Who's Dek Unu?
The mission of Dek Unu Magazine is to provide respectable and respectful publication and promotion for accomplished, adventurous fine art photography. For us, "respectable" means selecting quality work from artists of all backgrounds and pedigrees, keeping to high curatorial standards, and presenting each edition to an interested and literate audience. For us, a "respectful" magazine puts artists, not advertisers, first, creates each issue in close collaboration with its artist, and never takes unfair financial advantage of any artist's work.
In keeping with our mission, Dek Unu Magazine is not-for-profit, does not accept outside advertising of any kind, and never charges an artist a fee to submit. This gives us a great deal of editorial freedom and the opportunity to publish adventurous art. However, although we operate on a shoestring budget, we can't rely on advertising revenue to pay the bills.
We defray part of our expenses by selling print and e-reader copies of each issue but we depend on donations to cover the majority of our costs. Please support the magazine and the mission with a donation of $11.11 using the PayPal button below and specifying dekunuarts@gmail.com as the recipient. Venmo address is @dekunuarts. To donate by mail, a check to Dek Unu Arts at 1618 San Silvestro Drive, Venice, Florida USA 34285 will do the job.
Your one-time (or occasional?) contribution of $11.11 will help us keep the computers composing, the printers printing, the creatives collaborating, and will keep the door open to the vibrant international photo-art community. Thank you!
Customer Service : dekunuarts [at] gmail [dot] com